Manoj Kulshreshtha is qualified and trained Plant Breeder and
Geneticist and has worked as a scientist in Rajasthan
Agriculture University for developing new crop
varieties. His interest in wild life could not contain
him there for a very long time to continue same kind of
work. While watching birds he felt that more effort is
needed to conserve them by studying the habitat in which
they live and addressing problems to save the habitat.
Ornithology and bird watching was evolving at that time
and the study needed more field workers to collect
scientific data and this seemed possible only by
training and involving more people into Network which he
did successfully.
Since he worked with major conservation organizations
of India like Bombay Natural History Society, Salim Ali
Centre for Conservation of Natural history( SACON ) and
many regional NGO’s for the Book Important Bird Areas
priorities and conservation sites published by
Oxford University Press which included identification
of important avian biodiversity areas in Rajasthan some
recommendations were suggested for their candidature in
this pioneer document.
worked as consultant on Wetland survey of India
carried out for SACON which was jointly funded by
United Nations Development Project and
Ministry of Environment and forest in which he
surveyed 48 wetlands in Rajasthan for fishes, turtles,
aquatic plants and birds along with assessment of
threats and pollutants to these water bodies.
While doing all this he gathered that this is extremely
important that school children should be given some
Environmental Education training by taking them out in
nature and giving experience of jungle would have a
longer lasting impact on their minds and when they
become responsible citizens they will take up
environmental issues more sensitively .
All this work eventually led to a dream of a place
where wild life is in plenty and gives opportunity to
silently observe and record nature in its best which
later culminated in development of an Eco-lodge called
WILD BROOK, at the edge of Rajaji National Park,
Uttaranchal . This further required to develop a course
which has everything related to study the basics of
nature and he named it ‘Jungle Craft’.
Manoj co-ordinated
Indian Bird
conservation Network in Rajasthan for many years and also worked with
roughly 300 schools in Thar desert to educate
them for Save Bustard Campaign. He has published
many scientific papers and has been contributor of
reports submitted to Ministry of environment and forest,
Govt.of India.
also organized for four years , an environmental
Education workshop every year with Jaipur Virasat
Foundation for their Natural Heritage Conservation
Programme in which 500 school children and 50 teachers
participated each year.
He addressed issues of environmental conservation
through the help of foreign as well as Indian
conservation volunteers by running a Volunteer
Programme. This is helping in creating awareness in
sprawling city like Jaipur which has many conservation
issues to address.
days he is working to biologically revive Lake Man Sagar
in Jaipur as an Eco- restoration Consultant
and the result is more than 64 species of resident birds
are breeding in around the lake. The total number
species of resident and migratory birds has reached up
to 204
species recorded in all till April 2013. Some reptiles
and mammal have also started inhabiting the lake
objective is to improve the
aquatic eco-system of ‘Lake Man Sagar’ to
introduce suitable fish species ferried from nearby
lakes and aquatic plants suiting to its health
,officially with ‘Project Jal Tarang’
recent assignment was also to improve Delhi
Cantonment Area ecologically by assisting in
planting of right species of plants and also arranging
for the designs of nest boxes, developing a nature
trail. He is officially working to make bird walks and
enhance the habitat to have more diversity in
butterflies by planting their host species. To do this
all he would involve residents and family members of
staff by way of field visits, regular presentations,
slide shows and field walks.